the couple – Bindhu and Unny

There can’t be two opinions on love for travel. Everyone agrees to agree and waits for an opportunity. And there are a few good things about blogging as well. For instance, no disappointments when an editor of a magazine rejects a piece. Or there is no restriction to write a story in 600 words. And certainly one can be enough of a narcissist with as many photographs of oneself.

So here we are, Bindhu and Unny. Bitten by the travel bug many years back, but have been traveling only since 2004, after coming to Mumbai.  With treks, road trips, back-pack trips and adventure camps we have utilised almost all our weekends. We have been doing ‘photo-blogging’ – blogs with only photographs from each of our trips. The links can be found elsewhere in this blog.


Armchair traveler. Reluctant reader. Would-be writer. amateur photographer, Day dreamer… and likewise, a pretender of too many things. Advertising and marketing industry ensures basic comforts in life. Goes by the name Unny. (Unny Radhakrishnan).

Other writing pursuits include this and writing for business and travel publications.

Also an advisor to Rustik Travel.


Add a few more pretensions – a good cook, a good host, no-nonsense etc. etc. Easily mistaken for a serious, intellectual reader, but far from it. Tries to earn a living by writing and messing up with what others write (editing). Goes by the name Bindhu. (Bindhu Unny)

Also writes at ColouredCanvas, Worsatile, and Shankupushpam, a Malayalam blog.

Scotland 2023


London, 2023


TravelWithACouple Unny Radhakrishnan Bindhu Unny
Valencia, Spain, 2017


Unny Radhakrishnan, Bindhu Unny
Havelock Islands, Andaman & Nicobar Islands, 2015


Some village in Karnataka between Shimoga & Chikmaglur. 2009.

We are based at Mumbai.

Also read The journey that started with a click

28 Comments on “the couple – Bindhu and Unny

  1. Hi, 
    Could I get your e-mail ids, we are trying to get in touch with travel bloggers in order to introduce an exciting platform wherein people can rent awesome outdoor equipment like camping gears, cycles, camera and camera accessories to make their trips memorable and provide them with great experiences. We would love to get your thoughts on it.

  2. hi guys….very interesting and adventure filled blog, like ur passion for exploring uncommon places….keep travelling and blogging.. the tractor pic 🙂
    have bookmarked ur blog………..cheers !!!

  3. Hi,

    Thanks a lot for such an awesome blog with all the info. Some 11 of us were planning to go to Dandeli. Can you give us the contact no of Bandekars’. Also do you know this place called Stanley’s farm over there. How is it?


  4. Quite impressed with your blog and amazed by your passion. We at RTNE [Rural Tourism Network Enterprise] are also a small team and building rural tourism solutions to allow more and more people looking for places to stay at unexplored destinations. We have started our operation in Konkan – Sindhudurg developing solutions [] for the rural tourism sector.
    Our mission is to ensure Market access to every tourism enterprise in the remote rural areas. We are supported by IFMR Trust.

  5. Always a delight to connect with a fellow blogger at work ! And amazing that you guys are a travel loving couple…. kind of similar with my husband and me…. I guess I have a lot to learn about blogging from you.. Saw your last man blogging stuff et all 😉

    And yes ! the meeting with u guys was great! The painful meeting in the morning was with… not worth mentioning !

  6. Thanks for your kind comment on my blog! Not least for taking the time to take a look as you get prepared for the final countdown. Good luck to you both.

    dilip d’souza

  7. Nice concept of capturing your travels in this form.. I wish I had done this !! I have been travelling for so loong and to so manny places that I have lost count..

    cheers and best wishes


  8. Hi Unny, Thank you for dropping in at I am choosing the wrong place for this as I could not locate your email ID. I regularly blog in Hindi and only occassionally in English. Prima-facie your blog appears very interesting and I need to go through the earlier posts, which I shall do soon.

  9. bindu and unni ,very very rare photographs.
    i will take time tomorrow and have the colour feast.

  10. Hi Bindhu and Unny,
    You guys are really adventorous. I wont be surprised if you make a documentary for “National Geographic” in the near future:) Keep up the spirit!!!


  11. Hey,
    I saw your post on CS,Liked your blog, I would love to join you for your next trip. Me and my wifey are always ready for such activities do let me know about the next one…

    Also send me the details on your past trips. Info about the destination, road map, things to do, n most important cost of the trip.

    I am waiting for your positives reply. Hope to join you…

    Swapnil Pednkar
    CS member.

  12. I plan to visit Guhagar aroung 20th August this month. Do you remember the Maharashtrian family’s name who played host to you? Any information for a family’s stay in Guhagar for a day will be welcome(Self, wife and 12 year old son).

  13. hi unny, nice blog, liked the photos and places u’ve been traveling. sorry to chose a wrong place to connect with you. i like the way you guys break out from the morbund! keep trekking and bloggin!


  14. Hello

    Read the Guhagar post, heard about local hospitality on the Goa route, are there other options? can you furnish details?

    Thanks & regards, Vinod

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