Birdwatching - Places - Sanctuaries

Nandur-Madhyameshwar: Maharashtra’s Own Bharatpur

Among the few books (other than a whole bunch of maps and road atlas) that we use as travel guides, there is one called ‘Offbeat tracks in Maharashtra’. Written by Milind Gunaji, a Marathi actor and photographer, this is an interesting and handy book when one wants to do the ‘non-touristy’ travel. We take tips and pointers from it and mix our own ‘de-tours’ to get some interesting variants every time.


Nandur–Madhyameshwar was one such find. Being somewhere closer to Nasik, we put this in our Nasik itinerary. Nandur–Madhyameshwar is popular only among avid birders and is known was Maharashtra’s own Bharatpur. Rightly so!



The sanctuary is named after the ancient Madhyameshwar temple. There is a dam built on the confluence of the Godavari and the Kadva rivers, and the backwaters of the reservoir forms a perfect playground for migratory birds. Storks, sandpipers, egrets & brahmani ducks we could identify. And a host of other birds, which we couldn’t name but watch and appreciate.


The main road runs parallel to the river for a few kilometres. At a few places, one could take detour to the river bank at about 500 metres through paddy fields. Forest department has erected watch towers at these points, which offer breathtaking views and more birds.


Nandur is about 50 km from Nasik. The irrigation department has a guest house near the dam, where one can stay with prior permission. Own conveyance is the best option to reach Nandur since the state transport bus service is restricted to just two trips a day.


7 Comments on “Nandur-Madhyameshwar: Maharashtra’s Own Bharatpur

  1. hi shivani,
    yes, we know that you edited it. ashwini had mentioned that sometime back.

    what is the next book about ?

    i never studied in chennai. i worked there for about 7 years and i know the place gill nagar.


  2. Dear Unny, Yay, I edited that book Offbeat tracks and we published it. We are doig the next book soon,
    Also were you ever in central school gillnagar chennai
    Hows Bindu best Rgds Shivani

  3. @chandan,
    thanks for the appreciative comments. will keep writing. do visit.

    since relocating cannot be an immediate decision, you could perhaps take a week or two off and come here. you are welcome at home. you could do some trips from here and if possible we will also join.

    thanks. i have also mailed you

    thanks and will mail you.

  4. To ‘The Couple’,
    I guess, you guys are living a dream! & sharing and guiding people thru this blog!
    I would like to meet-up and discuss things in terms of Travel to “Uncommon destinations in Campervans/Caravans”.
    I have given the my blog web address, so you will get an idea of what I am talking about.
    Waiting to hear from you!


  5. nice writeup … and pics, especially the 1st one is stunning!

    its kinda tough for me to check out places in maharashtra coz of the distance. guess, i need to relocate to mumbai / pune for a couple of yrs to check out ur list. but, thnx to ur posts, i am getting some vicarious pleasure 🙂

  6. Hey thanks for sharing this… I never knew such a place exists..Keep posting about your unique discoveries…Definitely interests a lot of us… 🙂

    Happy Travelling !

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