• Homestays - People - Places

    Beyond Basics @Kuflon Basics

    Let the name Kuflon Basics not deceive you. It is anything but basic. Its rich. Rich in fresh air. Rich in greens, berries, and wilderness. Rich in spaces for relaxed reading, strolling, or doing nothing. Rich in taste (of the amazing home-cooked food). And above all, rich in the warmth of the consummate hosts—Anil and Shree, and Shifu, their 5 year old daughter. Everything that needs to be said about Kuflon has already been said. Every single soul who has stayed at Kuflon Basics so far has been touched in some way or other. Since 2004! The three large volumes…

  • Places

    Hug the Clouds & Kiss the Beaches

    Every trip of ours in Maharashtra reinforces MTDC’s marketing byline ‘Maharashtra Unlimited’. Be it treks, road trips or backpack trips. Numerous options that emerge from the combination of the long coastline and the Sahyadris running parallel to it, in fact gives one an unparalleled experience. Not to mention about the options in Central Maharashtra, which we are yet to touch. Last Christmas, we did a road trip that featured kissing the beaches, then climbing the hills, and hugging the clouds. A 4-day road trip with spur-of-the-moment detours, searches for a place to stay, warm hosts at homestays and much more……