‘Chicken rises’ from your chicken fried rice – bewildering? Then how about having ‘omblate, seanveg’s, pelpuri, and banipuri’ for snacks? These are some interesting and bewildering menu options at some of Munnar’s street-side stalls. If language is to communicate, never mind these localisation of English. Because it does communicate. Especially if you are hungry.
No price for guessing what a “Seanveg” is.
hi unny , great blog indeed , keep up the voyages.
would definately like to have pelpuri and seanveg…instead of bhelpuri and sandwich….for a change….and for that i have to go to munnar…..but i m sure…..it will eventually be a treat of grouching stomach
Neato! Awesome family portrait. 🙂
That was totally hilarious. Wonder what BANIPURI is too?