• Beaches - Hikes - Hotels - Places - Sanctuaries

    Travel in 2020: The Middle

    (Before The Middle, there was a beginning. Read Travel in 2020: The Beginning. After The Middle, there is also an end. Read Travel in 2020: The End) In September, we made the first outing. Sometime in August, many hotels and resorts in nearby places in Mumbai had started to open. After a lot of deliberations, we decided to go to Lonavala, which otherwise wouldn’t have been in our consideration at all, unless it is a base for a trek. A first time visit to Upper Deck Resort and a 2-night stay was worth it, after locking up for months together…

  • Beaches - Heritage - Hotels

    Travel in 2020: The Beginning

    For travellers, 2020 has been a wash out. Yet, we don’t want to complain. If there is any one thing that everyone will agree that they are feeling this year, it is gratitude. For having survived this year without much impact. Like many others, we also made our travel plans for 2020. January and February went as planned. In the first week of January, we returned from Kerala after our annual visit to our families. The first trip in January was very short – 2 days to be precise, to attend the marriage of a dear friend. We stayed with…