
The Enchanted Gardens @ Pune

It is a hard-to-miss board—The Enchanted Gardens—on the Mumbai-Satara highway, just after the Express Way ends in Pune.


We have passed this board many a time, each time postponing the visit. But during our recent drive to Jadhavghad, we dropped by and got enchanted, as the name suggests.


Spread across 1,20,000 sq ft, Enchanted Gardens claims to be one of the largest nurseries in India. They also have a network of farms, totalling an area of 60 acres.


The sheer variety of plants fascinated us. We obviously haven’t seen or heard about most of them. Many indoor, outdoor, flowering, and non-flowering plants as well as saplings of fruit trees thrive inside the vast greenhouse. Some exotic vegetables too dot the space.


This miniature pineapple was one among the many surprises.


A large portion is dedicated to garden accessories such as metal stands, plant holders, terracota pots, pebble stones, sprayers, and other decorative items.




Worth a visit during your drive to Pune.

5 Comments on “The Enchanted Gardens @ Pune

  1. This is really good info. Should visit this place next time I am in Pune. And the last photo with the pots is really good!

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