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A Different Trip

Meet Sraddha. She is about 12 years old and stays in a one-room house along with her parents and siblings. The sparkle in her eyes perhaps hides the difficulties of her daily grind.


Since the past five years, she is experiencing a new life. Apart from her school, she now tries to fast track her learning of English and Maths. And hopes to fulfill her dream of becoming a police officer. Thanks to Akanksha, a Mumbai-based non-profit organisation working in the field of education. Akanksha’s core belief is that giving a strong educational foundation, self esteem and values to the less privileged children will help them improve their quality of life.


Today, Sraddha  had more reasons to smile. For she was enjoying her first ever adventure picnic near Kanheri caves at Sanjay Gandhi National Park along with many of her friends. And for us it was a different trip as facilitators.



It has been a long time since we did ‘packing-bags-on-early-Sunday-morning’. There have not been many one-day treks of late. So when Nature Knights planned an adventure activity session of rock climbing, rappelling and valley crossing for about 35 kids from Akanksha, we did pack our bags and joined them.



Volunteering for this event was quite an experience for all of us in Nature Knights. Matching up to the kids’ energy levels and answering their innumerable questions was a task by itself. The impact of Akanksha was evident in the confidence displayed by the kids.

More photos here. More about Akanksha. More about Nature Knights

2 Comments on “A Different Trip

  1. You must have had a a sense of fulfilment after having worked as a facilitator for the underprivileged (but cared for by Akanksha) children at the historical site.
    I have been longing to visit Kanheri as also the caves near Nashik but coulkd not make it. Thanks for a nice post.

  2. u seem to be having a good time with back to back adventures and taking up socially relevant tasks. nice to see this and keep it going 🙂

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