Birds of Tadoba
Birdwatching - Nature's Wonders - Sanctuaries

Birds of Tadoba

Tadoba has a rich bird life with over 160 varities eitherĀ  residing or visiting seasonally. The main lake in the middle and couple of other lakes mean that there are a fair amount of water birds as well – Cormorants, herons, ibis, storks, varieties of ducks, bar-headed goose, buzzards, eagles, quails, purple swamphens, bronze winged jacana, lapwigs, common redshank, common and wood sandpipers and many more…



A little cormorant by the side of the Tadoba lake (above)


The red-wattled lapwig (above)


Black Ibis (above)



Green bee eater (above)


We watched these three rose ringed parakeets (above) playing hide and seek. It appeared as if the two outside was feeding the one inside.


Yellow footed green pegion (above)


The bar-headed goose (above) is one of the world’s highest flying birds, flying over 30,000 feet. It migrates to India to spend the winter.



We spotted a good number of birds, and Shravan our guide being a bird enthusiast helped us.

Atul Dhamankar, a wild life enthusiast and avid bird watcher who is based out of Chandrapur has published a very informative book on the birds and mammals of Tadoba. We picked a copy of it from the guide and came handy while identifying birds.

3 Comments on “Birds of Tadoba

  1. thanks.
    the parakeets were very interesting. we watched them for a long time – the interactions between the three of them.

  2. I used to watch a large number of Green Bee eaters in Pune where we stayed, and again spotted some on wires by roadside in Gurgaon when we were there last month.

    Lovely pictures!! Loved the parakeets the best!!

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