
Dandeli: Nagzari Trek

In two days , we were done with the touristy stuff (the safari) and the explorer stuff (the extended crocodile trail). Yet there was a feeling of incompleteness. Two days in a forest country! The ever fascinating western ghats and rain forests. And yet! Something was missing! While we contemplated leaving Dandeli for a drive to Karwar, through some more dense forests and the Anshi National Park, on the advice of our guide, we checked at the Kulgi forest camp on the possibilities of doing a deep jungle trek.


The camp in charge, Mr Naik was helpful and gave us a couple of exciting options. But he we was not sure about the availability of guides for the full-day 16-km trek. So we opted for the half-day one to Nagzari Falls, with Mr Babu, the oldest and the most experienced guide in Dandeli Forest Dept to guide us.



Though we reached Nagzari Falls in less than two hours, the route was slightly treacherous. The leeches that even pierced our shoes didn’t help it. Babu moved ahead with his sickle, clearing the way. Halfway through, we slid down the valley to the gushing stream deep below. We had to cross the stream twice, but most of the time it was an acrobatic exercise along the stream, hanging on to the roots and climbing on the rocks.



As we reached the roaring Nagzira falls, it was climbing on all fours. Water gushed from height, cutting through the rocks, changing its course many a time and creating landing pools in between. Had it been summer, we could have climbed to the topmost point.


A short break. A quick breakfast that we carried with us – tasty upma from Arun Bandarkar’s homestay. And we were ready for the return trail.

Finally, a wee bit of satisfaction of having done something adventurous.

The complete Photostory here.

5 Comments on “Dandeli: Nagzari Trek

  1. Hi Vamsee,
    thanks for the appreciative comments.

    we are part of a group called Nature Knights in Mumbai ( and between the group members we do a lot of travelling/trekking and hiking.

    you can register in the site and get yourself updated with the schedules.

    we have also added you to our personal mailing list.



  2. Nice piece. We don’t come across too many people like you both in India. Most people want to look pretty, take been-there-done-that kind of pictures and get back into their air conditioned cars.
    If you are looking for some company in your next trip, do let me know. We are new in Mumbai and itching to travel.

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